character bible

our second task was to put oursleves in the point of view of our character to understand them more. this task i enjoyed a lot since it made me understand my character more.
This is the result:
Pov task – becoming the character.
1 ) What’s your favourite colour ?
I mean isn’t it obvious from the hair colour I have? its red.
2 ) Music?
Im pretty mixed, I listen to what I like.
3 ) Fav food?
Food? That’s a good question , I want to say steak but alcohol over any food.
4 ) Embarrassing thing happening?
When I bent down to pick up a clothing, my sister fell down the stairs instead. But instead of helping her I fell as well.
5 ) Fav film?
I hate films in general but id say 7even is nice.
6 ) Robbing a bank with a best friend what’s ur response?
What’s my share of the money? If it isn’t 80 to 20% ratio count me out.
7 ) A man drops a £10 note not noticing what do you do?
Money is money. Im taking it, Desperate times call for desperate measures.
8 ) You’re really hungry , your friends made out of bread, what do you do?
If you think I’m sick in the head to make a sandwich out of him then you’re probably right. Modern problems require modern solutions.
9 ) You get off a tube and you find a mother stood at the bottom of the steps with a pram , do you help her or get back on the tube?
Yeah ill help. Its called morals you sick f8
10 ) Family member rings you. You know its going to be heavy call , but a new episode of your favourite series is on. Do you answer?
Of course not, they can wait until im finished with the series , don’t get me started no one can come between me and prison break.