Exploratory Practice

colouring the clips. kitchen scene

for the kitchen scene , it took a long time to put together and colour in general. as you can see , I’ve already tried to fill in the demons head by colouring it in. The difficult part of this all was colouring everything frame by frame on adobe animate.

these are seperate frames that were used for the colouring and shading of the animation. this scene had the most that needed colouring and detailing which took most of my time with the details and the shadows.

This is the way it finally looks after some touchups and adding in details. i made sure the background of the kitchen also became dim , since it cuts off with the demon turning off all the lights , so it would only match up if everything became darker.

Looking for skin tone in adobe animate might have been hard since it doesn’t give you all the colours , nor does it have a blend smoothing for the shadings. i tried to make sure that when i do shade them in and add shadows to the skin , for it to be more clear and have that block effect without having to blend in or smudge in the skin tone to make it smoother , rather it turned out better than i had anticipated and thats the way i kept throughout my whole animation.

Since i was finished with the kitchen scene and the taunting scene , i had to figure out how to make sure that it shifts into the raging scene. and i thought if i add a scene where the demon is actually facing my character and they have a eye contact that shifts the scene , maybe it would work better.

so this is the scene that i drew out and animated . this scene quickly shifts to them having eye contact before it fades into the next scene to show the cause of why my character is being taunted and why hes seeing this demon coming into his life again.

this is the eye contact scene , i thought of if i add in zoom effect on after effects it will work better and its more simpler than having to add more frames just to make the eyes zoom in on adobe animate.

i was told for this part since it only was a block image zooming forward , maybe to add a bit of life to them , example , making their iris smaller and to show more emotional action than just an image.

since this was a photoshopped image , i thought i could do the frames in photoshop and thats what i did , i made sure to edit the new scenes onto the animation in the file.

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