Exploratory Practice


this is all the scenes all together and being edited , this is how many videos i had exported and how many images i had to use to make the final outcome , all i had to do was prepare for the final showreel and show how far i have gotten. This was a rough edit of what i had done and wanted to work on to finish i was going to wait till i got feedback.

this was some of the editing i had done for the scale, to make the zoom happen , i messed around with the scale tool and added the keyframe to when it would start and finish. this was done for the reflection scene in the bathroom, the eye contact scene and the rage scene.

this edit was done for mainly the rage scene and some parts of the promise scene to show that its only a memory and its fading into nothing. and this was the edit that i did for when his eyes widened and his iris would shrink , this way it would add more depth to the scene. i wanted to add more edits to the rage scene but with the time limit that i had i only stuck to the glitch effect.

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