For these character designs i had to do a lot of digging , such as what style do i want to portray the morality police . I questioned wether or not to add horns to them , make them look normal or animalistic . however once i did my artist research i decided to settle down with one artist whose work i admire when it comes to beastly and extravagant.

Cleon Petersons work ( the images above) are very artistic and i thought i could incorperate that for the morality police. I had an idea of if the morality police are the biggest animals in iran why not make them the biggest beasts that no one has ever had the courage to fight. This artist depicts the idea of monstrosity and i wanted to use him as a reference for my own character designs.

This was my first idea of character design , however it just looked like a copy of Cleon Petersons work and it looked nothing like the morality police, so i thought i should research on what the morality police ( both men and women) wear .

This was the best image i could find of them , and then it gave me a clear idea of if i morph them with Cleon petersons work i would end up with a new character design.

This is the final character design for the morality police , however it may need to be developed further in regards to colour , but since i wanted to make it dull and scary looking i will be deciding to put them as their original clothing choices , which is navy green and black.