The feedback i received from this presentation was to now animate and show it as moving images instead since it already has a lot of powerful descriptions .
My main part of the story is that when the two sisters are walking to school , the eldest ones hair strand comes on her face , and she gets stopped and in trouble .
This main idea was very powerful as my tutors said . One of my tutors did mention that the character designs look more american then iranian and i was a bit confused which i did express that iranian women genuinely dress like americans way too much so there isn’t much for me to work with. At the end of my presentation i did ask for a little advice regarding the clothing choices ,and my tutor did say that whatever i thought would be best should be put in the animatic .
I was also originally assigned to a group / i already had someone in my group however they decided they wouldnt be able to work with me anymnore , which is why i have also in my presentation mentioned that i may need people for backround designs as it is already very time consuming to prepare the animation bit by bit by myself.
All in all the presentation went well and now it was time to actually make a quick start to my animatic .