as I am in the midst of making and producing the animation I’ve come up with the artist block, where I’ve actually started to question how to go forward with the rest of the animation since the first few scenes have been done.
so here I have made a list and a breakdown idea on what I could do to move forward , this way I have a clearer idea on what choices I could come up with and how to execute them.

These are the examples and the questions I came up with for myself. This is to figure out on what I could do and what I could come up with. This will be very helpful in order to breakdown my idea and figure out how I could move forward. for example I could use either the option of when I’m finalising the last scene , to add either a voice over or even a denial stage to show grief , and if I do question it I could go back to this and think what else can I do to make it end better on a heavy note and something that leaves the viewers either in shock or disbelief or even some type of empathy towards the family .