Exploratory Practice

300-500 statement of intent

The reason why I chose this specific project idea was because I at the time was going through a lot , I had a lot of rage and anger , and I thought if I dedicate my life problems into this animation it might be actually a lot more of help to other people who are going through the same thing. 

I was actually faced with heartbreak and at the time all I wanted to was to scream , disappear and vanish for good , it was one of the worst things that came to me, and it was maybe since I was overreacting or anything but this animation project actually helped me out a lot more than it did , at that time I had no clue what I wanted to do , however when I used myself as an example I thought this was the best way to take my anger out on something.  

This animation represents things as a metaphor, such as when things went south and I heard promises such as “I love you” they were the most heartbreaking things that I could think of in that moment, knowing plans that were made but they never actually happened was also another reason I made this animation. This animation was like serotonin for me rather than having me become the worst person with myself. During some scenes in the animation, it depicts the rage a bit, such as when the character has his hands over his ears and starts to panic and gets out of that panic, that would explain myself in the situation I was put in making me go manic. I did not know what else to do but surrender and accept everything, such as the last scene shows, having the character break something minor but also still suffering. The memories were also another metaphor in real time to show more emphasis on how everything that was good that happened suddenly vanished with no words. 

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