principles of animation

NHS brief- audio breakdown

We were given a 52 minute audio and were told to use bits of it to try and create a 60 second animation. Out of the 52 minute interview i picked out these. ( timeline at the top, what is said at the bottom).

me and my teammate decided to use the audios from 1.45-1.51 and 5.20-5.40.

and my teammate thought since it would make the animation storyline add up , to rewrite and rearrange them.

Rearranged audio:


cancer is one of those subjects where out people don’t want to talk about, they feel as though it’s a death sentence

they feel as when you get cancer you hit a brick wall

it’s fear really i think with this thing

not even wanting to take it into their mouths, that’s the magnitude of fear which they have

cancer is not a devil. what it is is there are cures for cancer and we have to explain that more an more i think so people loose this fear,

many treatments and options available

the earlier the diagnosis the earlier you make into recovery

informed practise


abandoned objects

TRIPTYCH-Abandoned object- Scissors

As the given task was to create a triptych , i had came to a final conclusion of what my abandoned object was going to be , and it would be scissors. because of the photos i had taken from previously i looked over them and thought i wont be able to use them in any certain way for my animation , but what if i could use a some sort of POV .

I did some research on how a triptych looks and what it would be like . I came across some examples on pinterest.

These are some of the ones i found interesting to use for research.

In response to the triptych i decided to draw out some thumbnail sketches of how the triptych was going to be, however i didn’t like the first idea , and then i thought what if i use the koi fish idea and duplicate everything from the first two scenes to make a final ending in the last one. and i came up with the second idea that i was happy with.

I decided to then digitalise this idea further , however since Im doing a POV i decided to take some photos of my stuff thats on my desk for reference.

The colour palette is very dull and very melancholy which is what i wanted to portray , the hint of yellow from the super glue does add a bit more life to the piece it does bring it all together.

The scenes all together.

These are the final results of the triptych , i will be experimenting more with how to animate them , i do have a rough idea of how i want to create the final piece of the triptych into an animation. However i will be experimenting more with more objects to see if i can develop further ideas for the triptych.

But this is the results.

abandoned objects


The chosen story for the brief would be:

The (object) silently sat there , atmosphere so melancholy that it was peaceful to him/her. He/she picks up fractures of his/her memories as he/she walks the earth to find its purpose and use. It’s been left in the dark for too long. It will find itself soon in order to leave a peace at mind. An adventure to find their purpose of life by retracing their old steps to find out what their use was.

in responce to my written work , i decided to look into some poems in order to use for my own research. I used pinterest to look through at some examples and these are some of the things i found .

However i came across one that somewhat got my attention. And it was this poem by Nikita gill.

most poems that i did find interesting were done by the same author . ( Nikita Gill). But this one poem of hers got my attention and i thought i should also develop my own ideas and create something of my own.

This is the poem i came up with:

She sat there.

Melancholy atmosphere.

She was left alone for too long.

She has to find herself

Before she is gone.

My poem Isn’t as good as Nikita Gills poems , i will be trying to develop this poem further , maybe change it up a bit as i go on into finding out what the object that i want to work on even is. But for now i do know that i want the object to find its other half because she needs to find herself , her purpose before she vanishes into thin air being nothing.

abandoned objects

online scrapbook

These are the images i have found that appealed to me and my theme.

These are my own images i took in response to the mood board. ( my online scrapbook).