Category: Exploratory Practice
300-500 statement of intent
The reason why I chose this specific project idea was because I at the time was going through a lot , I had a lot of rage and anger , and I thought if I dedicate my life problems into this animation it might be actually a lot more of help to other people who are going through the same thing.
I was actually faced with heartbreak and at the time all I wanted to was to scream , disappear and vanish for good , it was one of the worst things that came to me, and it was maybe since I was overreacting or anything but this animation project actually helped me out a lot more than it did , at that time I had no clue what I wanted to do , however when I used myself as an example I thought this was the best way to take my anger out on something.
This animation represents things as a metaphor, such as when things went south and I heard promises such as “I love you” they were the most heartbreaking things that I could think of in that moment, knowing plans that were made but they never actually happened was also another reason I made this animation. This animation was like serotonin for me rather than having me become the worst person with myself. During some scenes in the animation, it depicts the rage a bit, such as when the character has his hands over his ears and starts to panic and gets out of that panic, that would explain myself in the situation I was put in making me go manic. I did not know what else to do but surrender and accept everything, such as the last scene shows, having the character break something minor but also still suffering. The memories were also another metaphor in real time to show more emphasis on how everything that was good that happened suddenly vanished with no words.
Final video
final video improvements.
this was the first title that i had for the beginning of the animation. i decided later on it should be changed to white instead of red, and i also thought it would be better if it was presented differently rather than having it melt since i wanted the credits as well to go with it.
These two last videos are the final credits and introduction title that i settled on. they work better with the animation and both of them look much better and cleaner than the previous one. these two will be added into the final animation to make sure that its more finalised.
all the files

These are all the files that i have been using for the animation. they are all in seperate files that i had used to make the final animatic
The final video (old)
This was the original final video that i made. however i had wanted to add credits to the video so i thought i should reedit the introduction and make it more cleaner, making sure i change the colour to white and also adding a better effect than just having it melt off.
Music choice- By Loserkid
These are the music choices that i had picked out. My friend had made these and told me i can use them. His name on his channel is called “loserkid” so i will be sure to add his credits at the end of the video since these are his work.
This is the old video ( with music) and this is how it looked before , there are some minor changes with the second video however there isnt any music or background noise that was added yet.
This is the new video , without sound and its more quicker than the last one. I made sure i took out the “i promise” scene since there is such a small time limit to add new animations to the animation and to add extra details such as the words being animated.
New changes
This is now the final scene . the end will just end up with it all going black and then the credits will roll.

These are the new scenes that show that both the irises change for both the characters , going smaller and the editing of them will now also change a tad bit , there will still be a zoom however it wont be to the point where it would get longed out or even make the scene more boring.
For the presentation, i mentioned what i had changed within the past interim 2 that we had. i made sure i changed the background for the kitchen scene , since the lamp looked like ” a mothers lamp” and it actually changed the perspective of everything , the final outcome of the background was better and it looked more cleaner .
i had also changed my logline and synopsis by just a bit , making sure that the audience would understand that this all is a hallucination made up in my characters mind and nothing turns out to be true.
for the feedbacks i received for the final animation was that for one it looked more like a music video because of the style of music i had added.
The way the music was , was that it put the animation down rather than match its level. it also wasn’t transitioning well and it didn’t have any good effect or cause to the animation. The ” i promise” scene where her mouth moves , i had added a text at the top and that looked edited more than animated which didn’t suit the final outcome of the animation but then again it was somewhat of an experiment then a final outcome and i wanted to see if it would be necessary to even have that scene or just cut it out directly and have only the part where they’re hugging.
the main issue was how much screen time some of the images had , and some of the scenes had , mainly towards the last part and the eye contact scene. before even adding emotion or even adding any sort of movement to the eye contact scene it was vert still and the zoom was more overdone than anything. so it made the animation drop.
the last scene when he wakes up from the dream and he’s looking at his reflection again , there was missing action that was needed so that gave me a new idea, what if i made sure the ending completely changed by adding his hand and making sure he breaks some parts of the sink instead of having him walk away from the camera. so that was a new scene i had to work on and add more motion to the eye contacts scene. music wise i also have to figure out how to add them in there without having them overpower the whole animation but make sure that it fits perfectly rather than take the whole focus off .