this is all the scenes all together and being edited , this is how many videos i had exported and how many images i had to use to make the final outcome , all i had to do was prepare for the final showreel and show how far i have gotten. This was a rough edit of what i had done and wanted to work on to finish i was going to wait till i got feedback.
this was some of the editing i had done for the scale, to make the zoom happen , i messed around with the scale tool and added the keyframe to when it would start and finish. this was done for the reflection scene in the bathroom, the eye contact scene and the rage scene.
this edit was done for mainly the rage scene and some parts of the promise scene to show that its only a memory and its fading into nothing. and this was the edit that i did for when his eyes widened and his iris would shrink , this way it would add more depth to the scene. i wanted to add more edits to the rage scene but with the time limit that i had i only stuck to the glitch effect.
once i had exported everything this is how everything looked. i made sure to number them and some of the screenshots shown are the ones that would have needed more screen time for them to be edited in properly.
everything is all in order so all i had to do was put them together and export them as different outcomes to edit.
These are all of the scenes and videos that have been exported separately put together . i made sure they were firstly edited on premier pro then once everything was put in order , to edit them in after effects.
the last scene is very slow, it shows how everything is moving normally and nothing has changed. the last part of this animation is when he looks at the camera, then walks away , and thats how i finished off the animation. and now all i had to do was export everything and edit everything together.
Since i needed a cause for why this was happening , i made sure to animate this specific scene to show the route of all the problems . this is the scene that shows that my characters special person abandoned, left and just disappeared without anything. i wanted to make sure that the viewers found this scene confusing , in a sense questioning what happened to her and how she is the cause of everything.
in this scene that i animated i made sure that she says the words ” i promise”.
some of these are really quick however as i will be editing the scenes together im going to slow down the frame rate so that its not too fast and it shows the scenes more slower .
i planned on editing the scene as a memory so that when he does snap out of that memory that was caused by the eye-contact from the demon , he then would fall into rage. so the way i incorporated this part of the scene where it shows his iris going smaller would then fall into the next part which would show his full rage and anger.
These two scenes are together , again they are really fast with the frame rate , however again i will be changing that when they are edited in the final movie.
These last few scenes are all about showing how his anger and rage finally gave in on him , how he’s not happy where he is , this scene doesn’t last a while however it will show a few things that will fall under the last scene.this is the part i was struggling with since it was getting close to the ending . i thought maybe if i did have all this rage how would i then bring it back to real time and finish it?.
Then the idea of hallucinations , dreams and visions came into mind . maybe if i started off with the bathroom scene , it would end with the bathroom scene to show that all this time , everything that he had felt , witnessed had all been a dream and he is still standing in the bathroom looking at his own reflection.
for the kitchen scene , it took a long time to put together and colour in general. as you can see , I’ve already tried to fill in the demons head by colouring it in. The difficult part of this all was colouring everything frame by frame on adobe animate.
these are seperate frames that were used for the colouring and shading of the animation. this scene had the most that needed colouring and detailing which took most of my time with the details and the shadows.
This is the way it finally looks after some touchups and adding in details. i made sure the background of the kitchen also became dim , since it cuts off with the demon turning off all the lights , so it would only match up if everything became darker.
Looking for skin tone in adobe animate might have been hard since it doesn’t give you all the colours , nor does it have a blend smoothing for the shadings. i tried to make sure that when i do shade them in and add shadows to the skin , for it to be more clear and have that block effect without having to blend in or smudge in the skin tone to make it smoother , rather it turned out better than i had anticipated and thats the way i kept throughout my whole animation.
Since i was finished with the kitchen scene and the taunting scene , i had to figure out how to make sure that it shifts into the raging scene. and i thought if i add a scene where the demon is actually facing my character and they have a eye contact that shifts the scene , maybe it would work better.
so this is the scene that i drew out and animated . this scene quickly shifts to them having eye contact before it fades into the next scene to show the cause of why my character is being taunted and why hes seeing this demon coming into his life again.
this is the eye contact scene , i thought of if i add in zoom effect on after effects it will work better and its more simpler than having to add more frames just to make the eyes zoom in on adobe animate.
i was told for this part since it only was a block image zooming forward , maybe to add a bit of life to them , example , making their iris smaller and to show more emotional action than just an image.
since this was a photoshopped image , i thought i could do the frames in photoshop and thats what i did , i made sure to edit the new scenes onto the animation in the file.
for the final video i decided to remove the axe that randomly falls through the screen and thought it would be best to replace it with a blob again and make the final words disappear . i also changed the resolution of the image used , giving it a more high quality and crisp finish.
from the interim 2 presentation the feedback i received was needed. The problem was that the image was not in high resolution but that i can fix , i also was told that the axe is very confusing but it does its job, however if anything i might be deciding if it would be best to remove the axe and add more background colour and more details instead. i still have not thought of how i could further develop the animation however i will be focusing more on how i should make sure each frame is lined up perfectly with the storyline for the ident.
as i started on the ident , i realised that i actually liked the full layout and design idea from this piece , however i wanted to get more feedback on the animatic based on what i had created. it was very simple and i liked the way it looped itself and it seemed creative. the final slide where its showing the axe , i thought it might need more work since its very random and it doesnt really fit with the whole animation. if anything i felt as if it needed a storyline to be added for the axe to fit in however with some feedback i would be able to develop the idea further.
since im always on tiktok , i had figured there had to be creators out there that make idents for fun or even to experiment with. And to my surprise i found these two videos that caught my eye. I instantly knew i should try and replicate something like this.
The way they work with simplicity of lines to just move the ident in and out of the screen . i wanted to experiment and develop some idea like that. so i decided i should also stick with the normal colours from the actual logo of woodland heritage.