
Final Fmp presentation and some tests

so for this presentation, I didn’t get a chance to present, however, this is what I have so far based on the recent tutorials with Darren, i thought of my animation and thought about how I’ve been burnt out and I really couldn’t do the animation anymore however, my tutor Darren did mention that i should add in the new scenes just to receive feedback and to make sure that i shouldn’t worry if the animation is not finished yet, since i still have a lot more to do and i am doing this all by myself such as the colouring and the movement of the animatic. i made sure to add two scenes that I have made a drastic change to.

This is test 1

This is test 2


fmp E2 presentation

for this presentation i did add a few stuff to it more such as showing more of the hair scene by adding an extra scene of where the older sister is fixing the younger sisters scarf, however still i didnt like it and therefore wanted to make sure that the older sister instead gets more screen time than the younger sister .

This was after taking some tutorials with my tutor darren as he suggested a few ideas that kind of sparked a new idea for me , so i thought if i would have more time then maybe i could add more to this animatic to make it even more better and well more developed.


E2 interim presentation

this presentation was just a summary of last time i did a presentation, however this time i have made sure to showcase the video/vision with the audio , and music , i also made sure to edit it the way the final animatic would be.

however once I showed this my tutors still said that there was quite a lot missing such as the emphasis on the hair and maybe to add a few scenes that would show a powerful message about the hair since there wasn’t a lot of detail showing what it’s about nor was there an indication showing where the animation was directly going, they also told me that to make sure to touch up some of the scenes with the morality police to show real fear within the main characters and of course to take in some personal tutorials to make sure everything goes as planned.


The test video from interim 1

based on the last presentation, i made sure to put everything that was missing from the first few and added them all together to make a W.I.P. animatic to showcase what my vision is like, this is what i came up with. There are still many to do and many to work on such as colouring and everything else such as backgrounds which will be hard to find since i don’t currently live in Iran.


E2 interim 1 presentation

for this presentation, I did make it clear to my tutors that the schedule will be there to show when the animatic is due to finish without having a set date, but what is more important is what i will be focusing on throughout to get this animation finished.

The main concerns for this animation from my tutors were that since there will be a script to follow , they need to see it come all together even if it still is a work in progress in order to give proper feedback to see if its at a green light stage and or if it still needs more improving .

I made sure that within the script i was following what I had intended to translate into my own language (Farsi) to make sure that the animation would be also set in Iran. My tutors again recommended me to start working on this and putting it together to see how it would fit the timeline and if it would match, so that way when we do have another presentation i would be able to show them what to agree and disagree on.


The rest of the scenes

so far I’ve coloured in the 1st,2nd and third scenes, i need to colour in the rest and then put in the remaining backgrounds and I should be able to continue with the sound and then the editing of the animatic, then it will be finalised so not a lot left.



This is the script ill be using when adding in everything so every scene will be in the same position and to make sure that the storyline matches, i will also be using this for reference when I do want to add in the voiceover to the animatic.


The schedule

This is the schedule for the animation and what i plan on carrying out before finishing the final product .

the second image is of our roles and who plays what role in completing this animatic.


backgrounds- robin

this is the animation scene , i thought of having the background of this scene greenscreened so it would be easier for movement.

i asked robin whos helping me with the background designs to draw me a few scenes that look like this:

This is the reference i gave to him so he wouldnt be confused on what to draw , so here is my rough layout that i sent to him.

these are the backgrounds that he made for me and I personally love them, I think they go well with the imagination scene, I’ve made sure to add them to the back to see how it would turn out and surprisingly it looks very good in my opinion. i will be working on that scene to get it finished fully before rendering anything else.

These are the tests that I’ve done using the green screen method, I will do this once again once the scene is coloured in and finished before adding the rest of the background.


coloured in progress for the last few scenes

These scenes are all coloured in and ready to be put into the animation , theres a few that still have not yet been coloured in such as the image on the top left corner , however that one will be finished and put in between the middle of the first and third scene which is straight after the second image at the top.

These are some of the finished products that need to be coloured in, they’re all put in the right order as of now, however more files need to be added so the storyline makes sense and it’s all completed.