For this presentation, i mentioned how the backrounds have a deeper meaning behind them by using actual images from my childhood house in iran and also using my aunties house as reference to come up with the new backround, i also tried to experiment with 3D however it took very long to create something that looks remotely good , again it was very time consuming so i will be having help from robin ( my new team mate) to be able to complete backrounds in 2D.
The feedback i received i was happy with , and i will be taking them into consideration to improve my work more.
what i need to focus more on is the backround choices, (outside view) and also the morality police scene where they first encounter . My tutor said maybe to make them have a bit more of screen time to make them seem more terrifying , such as making the younger sister look around in distress to notice them and pretend to get away from them. This idea was a very good idea to work with since i am in-fact trying to make that scene have a bit more of an uneasy edge to it. My animation and explanation wise made sure that the animation did reach the emotion factor ( as my second tutor expressed) so I’m now more concerned on the time management however everything would be able to now finish in time to render and colour in.