
The schedule

This is the schedule for the animation and what i plan on carrying out before finishing the final product .

the second image is of our roles and who plays what role in completing this animatic.


backgrounds- robin

this is the animation scene , i thought of having the background of this scene greenscreened so it would be easier for movement.

i asked robin whos helping me with the background designs to draw me a few scenes that look like this:

This is the reference i gave to him so he wouldnt be confused on what to draw , so here is my rough layout that i sent to him.

these are the backgrounds that he made for me and I personally love them, I think they go well with the imagination scene, I’ve made sure to add them to the back to see how it would turn out and surprisingly it looks very good in my opinion. i will be working on that scene to get it finished fully before rendering anything else.

These are the tests that I’ve done using the green screen method, I will do this once again once the scene is coloured in and finished before adding the rest of the background.


coloured in progress for the last few scenes

These scenes are all coloured in and ready to be put into the animation , theres a few that still have not yet been coloured in such as the image on the top left corner , however that one will be finished and put in between the middle of the first and third scene which is straight after the second image at the top.

These are some of the finished products that need to be coloured in, they’re all put in the right order as of now, however more files need to be added so the storyline makes sense and it’s all completed.


FMP-E1 final presentation

For this presentation, i mentioned how the backrounds have a deeper meaning behind them by using actual images from my childhood house in iran and also using my aunties house as reference to come up with the new backround, i also tried to experiment with 3D however it took very long to create something that looks remotely good , again it was very time consuming so i will be having help from robin ( my new team mate) to be able to complete backrounds in 2D.

The feedback i received i was happy with , and i will be taking them into consideration to improve my work more.

what i need to focus more on is the backround choices, (outside view) and also the morality police scene where they first encounter . My tutor said maybe to make them have a bit more of screen time to make them seem more terrifying , such as making the younger sister look around in distress to notice them and pretend to get away from them. This idea was a very good idea to work with since i am in-fact trying to make that scene have a bit more of an uneasy edge to it. My animation and explanation wise made sure that the animation did reach the emotion factor ( as my second tutor expressed) so I’m now more concerned on the time management however everything would be able to now finish in time to render and colour in.


proof of work

this is the first scene where the big sister is looking towards the camera and the mother comes in to look from her pov whats happened to her daughters face.

POV- mums view of the daughters face.

  • needs to be coloured in
  • needs to be more cleaned /linework wise
  • backrounds needed.

The mum notices the younger sister (MC) looking from the corner and she embraces both of them before telling them to get ready for school.

  • Needs linework to be neat
  • needs details added in
  • backrounds needed
  • longer POV shot of the younger sister
  • voice actors needed to see what it will turn out like when rendered and finalised.

this scene is both the sisters walking to school and the older sisters hair strand comes in her face , shes now worried because she sees mortality police.

  • needs to be extended to show fear
  • needs to show power in this scene
  • backrounds needed ( reference still is being looked at)

The morality police coming forward and the older sister stops in her tracks because of fear.

  • this scene needs to be more emphasised because its still rough
  • theres not much terror showing
  • maybe adding more of the morality police coming ?
  • backround needs working on as well.

this is the last scene ( still unfinished) , this is where the mum and the younger sister go to find the older daughter since shes gone missing and the mum finds out that her daughter has died.

  • need a backround ( will be hard to find since the police stations in iran are very broad and arnt the same as anywhere else so i need a proper reference)
  • i need voice actors in this scene to emphasise on the broken heart of the mother
  • since the sister is too young i want her to say something only kids would say in that situation ( more emphasis on the emotion)

This is some of the files that havnt been rendered or shown , theres more im working on and i need to make sure i finish them and also work with robin now for the backround designs .

There is a fighting scene where thats part of the younger sisters imagination that needs completing and im using rotoscoping to make sure it looks crisp and neat.

These for now have been numbered and some have name files so i dont get confused.


Breakdown on scenes

as I am in the midst of making and producing the animation I’ve come up with the artist block, where I’ve actually started to question how to go forward with the rest of the animation since the first few scenes have been done.

so here I have made a list and a breakdown idea on what I could do to move forward , this way I have a clearer idea on what choices I could come up with and how to execute them.

These are the examples and the questions I came up with for myself. This is to figure out on what I could do and what I could come up with. This will be very helpful in order to breakdown my idea and figure out how I could move forward. for example I could use either the option of when I’m finalising the last scene , to add either a voice over or even a denial stage to show grief , and if I do question it I could go back to this and think what else can I do to make it end better on a heavy note and something that leaves the viewers either in shock or disbelief or even some type of empathy towards the family .



This image is my aunties house that she sent me for reference. Some of the things in this image are the same as i used to draw out and finalise my background.

She even drew me a rough sketch of what our old house looked like , and this sparked my memory a lot more and then i used both images to come up with the new background that i could use for the background.

This is the final first background that i will be using in the very beginning of the animatic , however i still need a few more backgrounds which i am working on , i still need a few more references when i carry on drawing the backgrounds since i want to immerse my audience as if they are directly in iran and are placed in iran.


Conversations- RESEARCH

These are some of the converstions between me and my auntie , as again she is my main source of research.

She’s been very helpful handing me newer information regarding iran and the new killings that took place ( first image) , more information on background’s and what i could do to change them ( second image), and the way iranian schools look ( third image).

The second image was when i asked her to show me if anything an old house we had in iran and or if she has pictures of them since thats the true representation of what iranian houses look like. my auntie sent me a few images in regards to my request , however some of the stuff are very traditional and old so i wont be using some of the images , however they have helped me remember how my old house looked like so i could draw it out and use it as a main background.


Interim 1- presentation

The feedback i received from this presentation was to now animate and show it as moving images instead since it already has a lot of powerful descriptions .

My main part of the story is that when the two sisters are walking to school , the eldest ones hair strand comes on her face , and she gets stopped and in trouble .

This main idea was very powerful as my tutors said . One of my tutors did mention that the character designs look more american then iranian and i was a bit confused which i did express that iranian women genuinely dress like americans way too much so there isn’t much for me to work with. At the end of my presentation i did ask for a little advice regarding the clothing choices ,and my tutor did say that whatever i thought would be best should be put in the animatic .

I was also originally assigned to a group / i already had someone in my group however they decided they wouldnt be able to work with me anymnore , which is why i have also in my presentation mentioned that i may need people for backround designs as it is already very time consuming to prepare the animation bit by bit by myself.

All in all the presentation went well and now it was time to actually make a quick start to my animatic .


Research- Drawing animals

This research came a long way to understand iran more . My auntie who teaches art, spoke to me in regards of drawing animals and how she had to apologise to her students in advance for this change. i was interested since she said it was “haram” ( meaning sinful) . so i did my seperate research on it as i believe in islam and i found out that irans main issue is that they do read the Quran ( holy book) however they interpret it wrong and use that to add their own rules and twists to it.

One main issue that i figured out was the hijab law in iran. IT is mandatory in islam , however it is not meant to be forced upon a individual , they themselves would have to choose to wear it for the sake of Allah ( god).

This helped me realise that Iran just likes to twist the reality/ truth with their own lies, so i drew out a mindmap to show my findings.

( mainly the two subjects i mentioned)