
Rough concept.

This is a rough concept for the beginning of my animation , its not the full thing , however it is more like a trailer for the animation , giving a small brief idea on how its going to start and where it will leave off from.

The green character is the main character ( small sister) who’s witnessing everything from behind the corner of the wall , the one with the black outline is the older sister who’s getting scanned from her mother in the red outline , to see the bruising she’s had and has been caused to her.

The background’s i had to animate separately by going on illustrator and making sure the view looks like a camera lense in recording.

These are the final background’s with the icons in place .

The icons that i used in the video / background to be animated.

This is the final rough concept animation.

There is a lot of text that i added , this is where i will have actual voice overs that are saying these in the animation, however i will be making sure i keep a translation at the bottom , i have decided it would be best if the voice actors would speak Persian instead of english to give it more of a realistic aspect.


character design- mother

This character specifically doesnt have much development to it since it will have the shortest screen time , for the beginning and the end .

Her character design was simpke , since in the beginning i wouldnt need to put a hijab on her , and in the last scene it would be a totally new hijab colour which depends on how the scene will be but it will be of neutal colours.

For this specific image i wanted to focus on perspective and POV, this scene will be at the beginning of the animatic when shes looking to see if the camera is still recording so the whole world would see. its a very small gesture however many iranian moms would actually do this in reality ( speaking from experience) to check if the device is working , this would not only give it a home type of feeling , but also it would be very common .

The image for reference is on the left.


character design- morality police

For these character designs i had to do a lot of digging , such as what style do i want to portray the morality police . I questioned wether or not to add horns to them , make them look normal or animalistic . however once i did my artist research i decided to settle down with one artist whose work i admire when it comes to beastly and extravagant.

Cleon Petersons work ( the images above) are very artistic and i thought i could incorperate that for the morality police. I had an idea of if the morality police are the biggest animals in iran why not make them the biggest beasts that no one has ever had the courage to fight. This artist depicts the idea of monstrosity and i wanted to use him as a reference for my own character designs.

This was my first idea of character design , however it just looked like a copy of Cleon Petersons work and it looked nothing like the morality police, so i thought i should research on what the morality police ( both men and women) wear .

This was the best image i could find of them , and then it gave me a clear idea of if i morph them with Cleon petersons work i would end up with a new character design.

This is the final character design for the morality police , however it may need to be developed further in regards to colour , but since i wanted to make it dull and scary looking i will be deciding to put them as their original clothing choices , which is navy green and black.


character design – MC

For the actual main character i decided the younger sister in my animatic should be the one to witness everything happening infront of her as her older sister gets in trouble with the morality police. This is a very simple design for her character design but this would work well once being animated , The colour choices are a bit weirdly chosen however from the references i has this is the best one that would work well .

What i also noticed when making every character is that iranian women usually dont care about what colour hijab they wear , since theyre not so fond of it and are forced on to it , which is why it shows the weird concept of both red and pink and blue being a match for when every character such as the two sisters , leading a double life.


Character design- 2nd MC

This was my first character design that i created , again i had no concept of what iranian women dressed like , more like an interpretation of what they wore. i wanted my character to be a young girl , however again once i got third party opinion , the character designs looked more of an arab than an iranian. so i had to change it up a bit more.

I was sent images of how iranian women / students dress in iran and this gave me an opening and newer ideas to develop my character design more.

This waa my final character design for the second main character , i also had changed my idea from having one character design to 3 .

This was just experimenting with the different designs i had planned in one of the scenes , where she would rip her face off from leading a double life that shes not happy with. i decided to colour it in on the right however as i recieved feedback from my tutors , the one on the left is more powerful so i thought if there would be a chance where i could add this piece within the animatic.



my idea for irans womens freedom got picked for the 25 projects and i became a director for the film , i was at that time clueless on how to start the animation since it is a very huge subject and a very controversial topic, so i tried to research more into the subject , and my biggest research was my family members in Iran, specifically my auntie who works in an arts school in Iran.

she recommended me a movie to understand starting points of an animation and when everything happened.

the movie was called ” persepolis ” by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud A very old animation that broke down everything about the iranian revolution in 1979.

This animatic gave me some type of idea on how to make a start to my animation , however i needed characters and character designs , so i had to research more into the clothing styles of iranian women , and the morality police.

I had a very rough idea at first for the start of the animatic which was supposed to be my main character smoking by a window as shes witnessing the crowd behind her or almost invisioning it , i wanted to achieve this through green screening the moving videos.

Once i showed my auntie she didn’t necessarily think that was a iranian thing to do nor is it a very powerful start to an animation.

so i tried more researching and i had some reference photos which helped me a lot to create a new character design.


summer project highlights

for our summer project we had to make a triptych for 3 ideas , and out of those 3 ideas only one would get pitched or picked to be chosen for the 25 projects that are being produced for the FMP.

I was at the time very confused on what i wanted to animate or to pitch, i had no ideas , however i thought of the two things that are a big major issue in my life as of the moment , my religion , and my culture.

For my first idea i thought i could use the issues within my own country to animate the bigger picture and get the word across , and my second idea i thought of my religion (islam) to show the impact or the hate i would get regarding the issue of the hijab with the womens freedom rights act in iran. And the last idea was a blur but since i thought it as a triptych i wanted to use photography , not the best idea nor the strongest but it would have been a good idea to use within my work.

This was my presentation , i kept it very minimal and simple to get the word of it across more directly and professionally.

Exploratory Practice

1000 word critical appraisal

Exploratory Practice

300-500 statement of intent

The reason why I chose this specific project idea was because I at the time was going through a lot , I had a lot of rage and anger , and I thought if I dedicate my life problems into this animation it might be actually a lot more of help to other people who are going through the same thing. 

I was actually faced with heartbreak and at the time all I wanted to was to scream , disappear and vanish for good , it was one of the worst things that came to me, and it was maybe since I was overreacting or anything but this animation project actually helped me out a lot more than it did , at that time I had no clue what I wanted to do , however when I used myself as an example I thought this was the best way to take my anger out on something.  

This animation represents things as a metaphor, such as when things went south and I heard promises such as “I love you” they were the most heartbreaking things that I could think of in that moment, knowing plans that were made but they never actually happened was also another reason I made this animation. This animation was like serotonin for me rather than having me become the worst person with myself. During some scenes in the animation, it depicts the rage a bit, such as when the character has his hands over his ears and starts to panic and gets out of that panic, that would explain myself in the situation I was put in making me go manic. I did not know what else to do but surrender and accept everything, such as the last scene shows, having the character break something minor but also still suffering. The memories were also another metaphor in real time to show more emphasis on how everything that was good that happened suddenly vanished with no words. 

Exploratory Practice

Final video