Since i needed a cause for why this was happening , i made sure to animate this specific scene to show the route of all the problems . this is the scene that shows that my characters special person abandoned, left and just disappeared without anything. i wanted to make sure that the viewers found this scene confusing , in a sense questioning what happened to her and how she is the cause of everything.
in this scene that i animated i made sure that she says the words ” i promise”.
some of these are really quick however as i will be editing the scenes together im going to slow down the frame rate so that its not too fast and it shows the scenes more slower .
i planned on editing the scene as a memory so that when he does snap out of that memory that was caused by the eye-contact from the demon , he then would fall into rage. so the way i incorporated this part of the scene where it shows his iris going smaller would then fall into the next part which would show his full rage and anger.
These two scenes are together , again they are really fast with the frame rate , however again i will be changing that when they are edited in the final movie.
These last few scenes are all about showing how his anger and rage finally gave in on him , how he’s not happy where he is , this scene doesn’t last a while however it will show a few things that will fall under the last scene.this is the part i was struggling with since it was getting close to the ending . i thought maybe if i did have all this rage how would i then bring it back to real time and finish it?.
Then the idea of hallucinations , dreams and visions came into mind . maybe if i started off with the bathroom scene , it would end with the bathroom scene to show that all this time , everything that he had felt , witnessed had all been a dream and he is still standing in the bathroom looking at his own reflection.