informed practise

Analysis- crazy cameras

These are a few essays we were given to analyse and breakdown to make a final presenation of . the one i was given mainly was crazy cameras done by shane denison.

This is my analysis of the crazy cameras , the colour code and what it stands for is at the bottom.

This is the final analysis , however for our final presentation we went with the children of compost written by Donna harraway.

principles of animation

Test videos

This is the video of the keyframes put together to show our intended outcome when its fully finished.

This is the finalised version of the last scene that my teammate did to show what the final intended outcome would look like.

principles of animation

Interim 2 presentation

this is our interim 2 presentation and the second client briefing we had for NHS to see.

we were given criticism for the last page of the keyframes where theres a hospital scene. they thought it was scary and so it didn’t really fit well, other than that we have achieved the fear factor of having prostate cancer which is what they liked.

however we still have to work on improving the last scene to make it less scary .

Another feedback we got was that the music that we used , we cant use things that will have watermark on them and it could lead to demonetisation since we don’t own the audio , however we could make our own soundtrack and add it in there but for now we haven’t decided on what yet.

principles of animation

process- putting keyframes together

This is me putting the keyframes together using toon boon harmony. and on the right hand side ive also written down the script for my teammate to read so she also knows what to do for the animatic and or whats changing at what time.

principles of animation

Interim1 presentation

this was our first presentation to present to the clients from NHS.

our criticism was that the style choice of the first character designs that i did were indeed complex, however the artist research really fascinated them. The black and white space choice and backgrounds is what we intended to go for.

they also didn’t like the dark keyframes that were also drawn , since it was very terrifying and thats not what they were looking for. We were told also that another colour to contrast the black and white might work really well with our design choice. They also really liked my teammates character designs which were really good since it was indeed very simplistic and a very nice style that would work well with the animation.

principles of animation

character designs

At first we looked into our research and wondered how we’re going to make the character design. so we both experimented in our own styles. The ones at the top are mine and the bottom ones are done by my team mate.

My one was rather more complex whereas hers was more simplistic which is what we both liked and i thought her style of work would actually work well with the animatic so we both came to the conclusion that she would be in charge of the characters whilst id be in charge of the backgrounds.

these are the character designs that we settled for . Since our style of aesthetic is black and white, these are the colours we chose. these are different ways and styles we could use within the animation.

principles of animation


These are the final keyframes. there is a lot more. i drew every keyframe with the backgrounds so that my teammate would finalise the characters since they are in charge of the character design and i cant replicate her style.

Ive drawn the characters/stick figures in blue and in red. blue being the secondary character and the red being the main character .

principles of animation

plan for the keyframes

for the audio choice , we had to think carefully about how to visually represent the POV. so i drew out a few plans for the keyframes as thumbnail sketches and labelled them by their “phrases” .

the thumbnail sketches .

these are the old keyframes . when we got criticism for these , the main issue for these were that they were more like “satanic” and a bit terrifying which is not what they were looking for especially the last one. However the colour choices were good. The main critique which we got back was that the option for the black and white animation stood out to them. and also they thought a pop of colour of contrast with the black and white might work.

taking on the advice from our tutors and the clients from NHS, we thought we should go for a different approach within the animation. so ruling out the dark stuff , and actually focusing more on the surrounding and the emotion was our main goal. so i redrew a new thumbnail sketch for the new keyframes to be put into work.

These are now the initial thumbnails for the final keyframes to be drawn in.

These will help with the animation and will help out with the storyline of the animation.

principles of animation

Colour schemes






These are some of the colour schemes that we thought would work well with the animation , however they can also change during the making of it.

principles of animation

Artist research