character bible

our second task was to put oursleves in the point of view of our character to understand them more. this task i enjoyed a lot since it made me understand my character more.
This is the result:
Pov task – becoming the character.
1 ) What’s your favourite colour ?
I mean isn’t it obvious from the hair colour I have? its red.
2 ) Music?
Im pretty mixed, I listen to what I like.
3 ) Fav food?
Food? That’s a good question , I want to say steak but alcohol over any food.
4 ) Embarrassing thing happening?
When I bent down to pick up a clothing, my sister fell down the stairs instead. But instead of helping her I fell as well.
5 ) Fav film?
I hate films in general but id say 7even is nice.
6 ) Robbing a bank with a best friend what’s ur response?
What’s my share of the money? If it isn’t 80 to 20% ratio count me out.
7 ) A man drops a £10 note not noticing what do you do?
Money is money. Im taking it, Desperate times call for desperate measures.
8 ) You’re really hungry , your friends made out of bread, what do you do?
If you think I’m sick in the head to make a sandwich out of him then you’re probably right. Modern problems require modern solutions.
9 ) You get off a tube and you find a mother stood at the bottom of the steps with a pram , do you help her or get back on the tube?
Yeah ill help. Its called morals you sick f8
10 ) Family member rings you. You know its going to be heavy call , but a new episode of your favourite series is on. Do you answer?
Of course not, they can wait until im finished with the series , don’t get me started no one can come between me and prison break.
our last presentation for NHS.
these are the new hospital scenes that i edited , we decided it would be best to go with a more brighter colour than the greyish colour that we had previously. This would not only make the characters pop out more during the final production but it would be easier to make it juxtapose the previously dark imagery.
these two are the new scenes.
At first for this last hospital scene i thought by changing the colour it might work. However my teammate gave an idea of what if we put the outside image of the hospital instead of inside of it.
My two main writers that i will be focusing on mainly for my creative writing that i would like to do for next year.
the project proposal- pdf
This is the final essay , however i didnt like the layout of how it looked and i wanted it to look more presentable .
This is the final essay outcome.
What is PTSD?
Ptsd as also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, is known to have symptoms of Aggressive outbursts, panic attacks, depression and night terrors . Which then were known as shell-shock.
The question lies on how does peaky blinders tackle these symptoms ? And how do they portray it through one single character?
The main points:
My main two characters that i wanted to focus on was Arthur Shelby (Paul Anderson) and Thomas Shelby ( Cillian Murphy) since they both represent some type of mental health in their own way which is indeed different , showing the contrast of two different sides and what things would affect each individual person.
These are the websites i used for more research and analysis on the two characters and what mental illness they both represent. I found more research on Arthur then Thomas since his one was rather more family based and also war based.
https://www.quora.com/Whats-wrong-with-Arthur-Peaky-Blinders (Enola murphy – 2021)
https://www.femalefirst.co.uk/tv/peaky-blinders-tommy-shelby-struggle-mental-health-1215407.html ( 24 October 2019- Joseph Holgate)
Based on the essay that i wanted to write about, at first i had no ideas.
I didn’t know what films, series, animations or games to write about and analyse. But then i thought of a series i had finished recently which was peaky blinders.
that made me want to do something about peaky blinders, but the question for me was what would the essay be about if i do do it about peaky blinders?
Then i realised a pattern within the visual representation. And it was the way the actors were portraying mental illness , which in this case mainly is PTSD.
My idea sparked from another idea that was meant for another task. This is from the video essay and i wanted to make a plan to recreate it when i had time , however i then used peaky blinders to analyse for my actual essay because there is a lot more depth in the visuals and the actors behaviours that would be really amazing to work on.
we were given as an activity ( by choice if we wanted to) to make a video essay about any animation, film , story and or video games focusing on any subject criteria we wanted.
i managed to understand it wrong and finished the work really badly, however my intention for the video was that how we react when we get work from our tutors and how we feel when our teammate doesn’t do their work on time. The above picture was my script/plan.
My mistake was that mine was also short compared to everyone else’s work when they presented.
i tried using an anime called Naruto shippuden to showcase my idea.